Give your audience and teams the support & strategies they need to take their performances to the next level with our bespoke Keynotes and Workshops.

Proudly Partnered With

Create Focus in a Noisy World Keynote

Take a moment to watch how an empowered audience can make an impact together.

LA Times

Absenteeism fell by 85%, productivity rose by 120% and injuries dropped by 70%.

Frontiers In

The company saved $22,000 per employee with reductions in burnout and an increase in productivity.

News Room

31% decrease in stress levels, a 28% increase in vitality, a measure of how energized a person feels throughout the workday.

Digital Commons

20% increase in sleep quality and the mindfulness program played an important role in helping them reach a new stock record. They credited their mindfulness program leading to a productivity increase of on average 62 minutes per week per employee.

Mindfulness Programs at Workplace Improve Well-Being and Productivity

  • Keynotes

    Quick fixes and life hacks might prompt a healthy new habit, but not lasting change. Banga will focus on how to design a sustainable life, what productivity truly means and using mindfulness to create intentionality. His talk will focus on self-reflection by addressing the root causes of our limiting narratives, managing emotions with meditation, and optimizing our lives to support lasting transformation.

    Keynotes Include

    A pre-engagement call

    30-60 minute live or virtual sessions

    Live meditation experience

    An optional Q&A session

  • Workshops

    Workshops are a perfect way to create an interactive environment for groups of any size, our tried and true workshops offer powerful team-building benefits over single sessions or multiple days. Workshop will focus on identifying personal roadblocks, healing from the past and empowering the future.

    Workshops Include

    A pre-engagement call

    90+ minute live session

    Live Meditation experience

    An optional Q&A session

Keynote Topics

Create Focus in a Noisy World

Mental Fitness: Meditation for the Distracted Mind

Conquer Overwhelm & Boost Productivity

Building Better Habits

Work Smarter, Not Longer

Transforming Pain into Gifts of Gratitude

Respond not React

Find Freedom through Forgiveness

Conscious Living Workshops

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Meditations

Updating Negative Habits
Taming the Inner Critic 

Freedom with Forgiveness

Letting Go of Expectations

Aligning to Your Destiny

Gratitude is the New Attitude

Embracing the Inner Child

Real Results with Banga After 7 Days

Banga held a daily 15-minute virtual meditation for a group of 40 high-performing entrepreneurs and these were their results after 7 days.

What to Expect with G.Banga

Decrease stress, anxiety & loneliness

Increase connection with self, love & happiness

Reframing negative thought patterns: comparison, criticism & complaining

Develop lines of communication with challenging people

Improve productivity and focus by reducing mental distractions

Self-Renewal through meditation & mindfulness tools

Clara Hough

“I found myself smiling a lot as we were going through the visualization and shedding a few tears when you asked us to repeat after you. I never thought of pain vs suffering and physical vs emotional pain. I loved this insight.”

Rebecca Ickes

“It was WONDERFUL. I’ve done many of these exercises before but there is something about being together. It changes things…and now I finally feel centred.